Nid oes heb ollwng gwaed yn lli

(Heb ollwng gwaed nid oes madeuant)
Nid oes, heb ollwng
    gwaed yn lli,
  Faddeuant i bechadur;
Ni faddeu Duw ein
    bai heb hyn,
  Nis gall, ni fyn ei natur.

Ond wele'i Fab ar bren y groes,
  Yn dyoddef loes marwolaeth,
I agor ffordd maddeuant llawn
  Trwy waed ei
      Iawn ehelaeth.

Yn nghanol ei arteithiau dwys
  Dan eithaf pwys ein beiau,
O clywch E'n erfyn ar ei Dad
  Yn ngrym ei gariad faddeu.

Cyn rhoddi fyny'r yspryd pur
  Dan bwys ei gur angeuol,
Mae'n dadleu drosom yn ei loes,
  Ac ar y groes yn eiriol.

O! boed y gras oedd yn ei fron,
  Yn llenwi'm calon inau
At fy ngelynion yn ddigoll,
  I'w cara oll a maddeu.

Pa fwyaf gawn o wres y dydd,
  Mwy yno fydd ein moliant;
Cawn, yn lle'n cystudd
    byr, a'n crwys,
  Dragwyddol bwys gogoniant.

Pryd hyn pereiddia Duw o'r bron,
  Holl chwerwon ddyfroedd Mara;
Pryd hyn y try pob chwerw nant,
  Yn win i blant Jehofah.
1-5: Emynau ... yr Eglwys (Daniel Evans) 1883
6-7: William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [MS 8787]: Arenig (Breigel 1626-1723)

  B'le tro' fy wyneb Arglwydd cu
  Os yw 'ngofiediau yn y byd

(Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness)
There is not, without the shedding
    of blood as a flood,
  Any forgiveness for a sinner;
God will not forgive our
    fault without this,
  His nature cannot, nor will it.

But see his Son on the wood of the cross,
  Suffering the throes of death,
To open a way of full forgiveness
  Through the blood of his
      plenteous Ransom.

In the midst of his intense tortures
  Under the extreme weight of our faults,
O hear ye Him in beseeching his Father
  In the force of his love to forgive.

Before giving up his pure spirit
  Under the weight of his fatal stroke,
He is pleading for us in his anguish,
  And on the cross interceding.

O may his grace, that was in his breast, be
  Filling my own heart
Towards my enemies unfailingly,
  To love them all and forgive.

The more we get of the heat of the day,
  The greater our praise shall be there;
We shall get, instead of our short
    affliction, and our cross,
  An eternal weight of glory.

Then shall God sweeten completely,
  All the bitter waters of Mara;
Then every bitter stream shall turn
  Into wine for the children of Jehovah.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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